Hello, I'm Eliso!

I live in Tbilisi

member since Nov 2016

English Russian Georgian

About me

My friends and family members call me “a friend in need”. So I am very easy and outgoing person. I can listen. I love to do as much as I am capable to help and support my family, friends and simply people in general in a good and bad times. All my life have worked with expatriates from various countries since I used to work for UN and US Embassy. That means I know how to socialize with them and have a sort of professional and personal communication experience. I like reading. I read a lot and almost everything that might me subject of interest at that particular time to me. I like traveling by camping since we have awesome nature in Georgia – you may find here everything – desert, mountains, see…. I like to meet new people, especially new generation – they are so amazing! If you like eating, my family is a good place to try Georgian food and drinks that are very special and generous. I speak English and Russian.

I can support you with

Home search
Administration services
Translations & interpreting
School search

Home Search

100,00 $ start priceEssential

Provide via chat/email ad-hoc listings

115,00 $ start pricePremium

Essential + appointments + phone support

130,00 $ start priceVIP

Premium+ onsite assistance

Administration Services

100,00 $ start priceEssential

Provide ad hoc information via chat/email

115,00 $ start pricePremium

Essential + appointments + phone support

130,00 $ start priceVIP

Premium+ on-site assistance

Job and Career

100,00 $ start priceEssential

Provide ad hoc information via chat/email

115,00 $ start pricePremium

Essential + CV translation/review

130,00 $ start priceVIP

Premium + contract review and /or coaching

Translation& Interpreting

100,00 $ start priceEssential

Translation via chat/email

115,00 $ start pricePremium

Essential + support via phone

130,00 $ start priceVIP

Premium + interpreting on-site

School Search

100,00 $ start priceEssential

Provide ad-hoc information via chat/email

115,00 $ start pricePremium

Essential + support via phone

130,00 $ start priceVIP

Premium+ support on-site

Where I lived
